I just answered a question about good strategies for Kino... Which provoked me to ask this...
My strategy takes place in the alley... I play with my brother and his friend (They're 10 and I'm 13 << So strange I am.). We can make it into round 23 or so before they run out of ammo... Derp. Okay so we play throughout the map but we don't open the downstairs doors (in the room where you first start), then once we have good guns we buy our way to the alley. We go down the stairs and through the chain-link fence, I take over the barrier next to the concrete stairs, and my brother and his friend cover up front. We keep the door next to me closed so no zombies can come through there and we play the round through in those positions. My brother's friend makes some crawlers once the waves of the undead thin out and then when there are nothing but crawlers left we run around the map hitting the box once or twice, rebuilding barriers, and Pack-A-Punching weapons. My brother and I then go back to our positions while his frien kills the crawler. We repeat this until we're all down.
Some equipment we prefer/use:
Claymores: We lay them out infront of the concrete stairs invade they come to far.
Frags: Erm, duh.
Bowie Knife: Not so much anymore, be if we have some credits to burn we buy it just incase.
Juggernog: It's great for close combat! ^^
Quick Revive: Again, just incase.
Speedy-Cola: This is if we end up with the SPAS-12 or another shot gun, or the China Lake/Thumper
Thunder Cannon/Zeus Cannon: 'Tis awesome and literally blows them away!
Ray Gun: Another Duh.
RPK: Not as good as the HK21 in my opinion, but will happily be taken from the box. It is also a great addition whilst Pack-A-Punched.
HK21: Great with a Pack-A-Punch, best automatic weapon in my opinion.
Monkeys: "Oh look it is a picture of the Mokey Bomb." Richtofen examining Takeo's portrait.
Commando, AUG, Galil; Weapons we all appreciate with a Pack-A-Punch
Ch'yeah. ^â¢^
RussianBleu10. Don't bug me, I'll deny yo
you're cool. run around the map and don't camp is the best strategy. you're soo cool. putting your gt or psn and saying don't add me cause im all cocky and think im the best zombie player in the world.
you're cool. run around the map and don't camp is the best strategy. you're soo cool. putting your gt or psn and saying don't add me cause im all cocky and think im the best zombie player in the world.
How to make it to round 20+ on Black Ops zombie mode Kino Der Toten?

The highest round I ever survived was 19. I usually only get to round 10-13. It's hard to play when the people your playing with don't like to work together.
So I usually use the knife and pistol the first 5 rounds and I rebuild the barricades. I use the M14 when ever I get into trouble. When I get enough money I unlock the room on the second floor and I get te steakout (I usually do this on the first round of dogs). I usually can survive for another 5 rounds with the M14 and steakout, but than when everyone starts to struggle and I have to revive them I get screwed over.
Do you guys have any tips and what guns I should use?
I hope you reached at least level 21 by now, but if you haven't here's some easy tips that should help.
Knife the zombies to death for the first 3-4 rounds. You can put bullets in them first for more points, then finish them off with a knife. When you get better at this, let the zombies in so you can get a chance at bonuses. It takes 3 stabs to kill a zombie in the 3rd and 4th round, so should be really easy.
Don't buy guns in the first room, they are a waste of money. Instead open 2 doors. I prefer to open the upstairs room and the one after that to get the MP40, but you can go the other way and get the ak74u. The guns in the first rooms are too weak for later rounds. I hate shotguns, so that's all I'm going to say about your stakeout. I personally use the mp40 the whole match and have gotten far up on the leaderboards. If low on ammo, it's only 500 for ammo for the MP40 and 600 for AK74u.
Since I only use the MP40, my 2nd gun is only for emergencies. I prefer the crossbow and I upgrade it as soon as I can, so if I get stuck, I can shoot it and the zombies will move off of me. The thundergun is definitely the best 2nd weapon you can have. I only upgrade it, when I am out of ammo on it. Hopefully max ammos will come around, so you don't have to upgrade till way later. You shouldn't rely on max ammo though.
Always keep on the move. Unless you are camping with others, constantly move towards clear areas and look around in all directions, so you know where zombies are at all times. If you keep moving around you are more likely to see the crawlers on the ground. I usually run around on stage, since it's a big open area and it's harder to get trapped. When low on ammo, I run a lap to get MP40 ammo. If you get ammo then turn back, there is likely zombies in the direction you came from.
The bowie knife off the wall which costs 3000 is awesome. You get more points for finishing off guys with it and up to round 9, all zombies are 1 knife kill. I think I learned how to move around better when I practiced using this knife.
Jugger-nog is the most important thing you can have. it's the red soda machine in the theater that cost 2500. If you die or downed, this should be the first thing you should buy after the MP40. I wouldn't spin the box if you come back to life, because you are risking getting a bad gun.
Saving people. Oh boy, people get pissed if you don't save them. Obviously only do it if you and the guy are in a safe area. You should really have quick revive right after juggernaut. Having people crawl in the teleporter, if they are near it, then you can teleport them and revive them in the projector room. Make sure the teleporter is on. If you run away right after someone is downed, you can run around half the map to draw the zombies away from the guy and by the time you get back to him you will have about 5 seconds to revive him. With more than 2 players it's easier to have 1 guy draw the zombies away and another save him. YOUR LIFE IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN ANYONE ELSES. I'm not saying don't save them, but who cares what guns they have, it's better than the game ending. If you can't save them, then let them die. It's their fault for being downed in the first place. I am downed all the time and all I expect is a person to try to save me or at least let me know there are way too many zombies to make it happen.
OK I feel like I went overboard.
Good luck.
I hope you reached at least level 21 by now, but if you haven't here's some easy tips that should help.
Knife the zombies to death for the first 3-4 rounds. You can put bullets in them first for more points, then finish them off with a knife. When you get better at this, let the zombies in so you can get a chance at bonuses. It takes 3 stabs to kill a zombie in the 3rd and 4th round, so should be really easy.
Don't buy guns in the first room, they are a waste of money. Instead open 2 doors. I prefer to open the upstairs room and the one after that to get the MP40, but you can go the other way and get the ak74u. The guns in the first rooms are too weak for later rounds. I hate shotguns, so that's all I'm going to say about your stakeout. I personally use the mp40 the whole match and have gotten far up on the leaderboards. If low on ammo, it's only 500 for ammo for the MP40 and 600 for AK74u.
Since I only use the MP40, my 2nd gun is only for emergencies. I prefer the crossbow and I upgrade it as soon as I can, so if I get stuck, I can shoot it and the zombies will move off of me. The thundergun is definitely the best 2nd weapon you can have. I only upgrade it, when I am out of ammo on it. Hopefully max ammos will come around, so you don't have to upgrade till way later. You shouldn't rely on max ammo though.
Always keep on the move. Unless you are camping with others, constantly move towards clear areas and look around in all directions, so you know where zombies are at all times. If you keep moving around you are more likely to see the crawlers on the ground. I usually run around on stage, since it's a big open area and it's harder to get trapped. When low on ammo, I run a lap to get MP40 ammo. If you get ammo then turn back, there is likely zombies in the direction you came from.
The bowie knife off the wall which costs 3000 is awesome. You get more points for finishing off guys with it and up to round 9, all zombies are 1 knife kill. I think I learned how to move around better when I practiced using this knife.
Jugger-nog is the most important thing you can have. it's the red soda machine in the theater that cost 2500. If you die or downed, this should be the first thing you should buy after the MP40. I wouldn't spin the box if you come back to life, because you are risking getting a bad gun.
Saving people. Oh boy, people get pissed if you don't save them. Obviously only do it if you and the guy are in a safe area. You should really have quick revive right after juggernaut. Having people crawl in the teleporter, if they are near it, then you can teleport them and revive them in the projector room. Make sure the teleporter is on. If you run away right after someone is downed, you can run around half the map to draw the zombies away from the guy and by the time you get back to him you will have about 5 seconds to revive him. With more than 2 players it's easier to have 1 guy draw the zombies away and another save him. YOUR LIFE IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN ANYONE ELSES. I'm not saying don't save them, but who cares what guns they have, it's better than the game ending. If you can't save them, then let them die. It's their fault for being downed in the first place. I am downed all the time and all I expect is a person to try to save me or at least let me know there are way too many zombies to make it happen.
OK I feel like I went overboard.
Good luck.
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