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between 1900-1948 and even before who were living in whats known now state of israel and how they are living now ?
I heard that almost a complete cleansing of exisitng population was carried out and a new population brought from allover the world to live in their places ?!
Is that true?
In 1900 about 6% of the people were European Jews, about 10% were Palestinian Christians (Arabs), most of the rest were Palestinian Muslims (Arabs), with a few smaller sects such as Samaritans and Druze.
By the end of 1947, about 1/3 of the people were European Jewish immigrants. These people were Zionists or had come at the behest of Zionists, some fleeing the german nazis.
It should be noted that the Zionist immigrants had a plan to take over Palestine from the native people, that is, the Palestinian Arabs, and expel them by one means or another. They had the help of the British, who ruled Palestine after WWI, in their colonization project. The British helped them set up militias and institutions and also brutally suppressed objections by the native people to having their land taken over.
In 1947, the British empire was collapsing and they turned the matter over to the UN which recommended partitioning Palestine into Jewish and Arab states, giving the majority of territory for the Jewish state. The Zionists used the oppurtunity to conduct a campaign of terror and massacres to get rid of most of the people. Those people are known today as Palestinians - without the Zionist campaign they would have been the majority in what's now Israel in 1948.
Today, the Palestinians are scattered throughout the world, some still in refugee camps. The main part live close to their original homeland: about 1 million refugees live in Gaza, another 3/4 million in the West Bank, 2 million in Jordan, 400,000 in Lebanon, another 450,000 in Syria.
Many Palestinians managed to stay in their homes. About 1.2 live in Israel, however, many of these are "internally displaced," meaning, they were expelled from their homes but still lived in Israel and thus became citizens. About 3 million Palestinians live in the West Bank and maybe 500,000 Palestinians are native to Gaza, i.e. their families originated there.
In 1900 about 6% of the people were European Jews, about 10% were Palestinian Christians (Arabs), most of the rest were Palestinian Muslims (Arabs), with a few smaller sects such as Samaritans and Druze.
By the end of 1947, about 1/3 of the people were European Jewish immigrants. These people were Zionists or had come at the behest of Zionists, some fleeing the german nazis.
It should be noted that the Zionist immigrants had a plan to take over Palestine from the native people, that is, the Palestinian Arabs, and expel them by one means or another. They had the help of the British, who ruled Palestine after WWI, in their colonization project. The British helped them set up militias and institutions and also brutally suppressed objections by the native people to having their land taken over.
In 1947, the British empire was collapsing and they turned the matter over to the UN which recommended partitioning Palestine into Jewish and Arab states, giving the majority of territory for the Jewish state. The Zionists used the oppurtunity to conduct a campaign of terror and massacres to get rid of most of the people. Those people are known today as Palestinians - without the Zionist campaign they would have been the majority in what's now Israel in 1948.
Today, the Palestinians are scattered throughout the world, some still in refugee camps. The main part live close to their original homeland: about 1 million refugees live in Gaza, another 3/4 million in the West Bank, 2 million in Jordan, 400,000 in Lebanon, another 450,000 in Syria.
Many Palestinians managed to stay in their homes. About 1.2 live in Israel, however, many of these are "internally displaced," meaning, they were expelled from their homes but still lived in Israel and thus became citizens. About 3 million Palestinians live in the West Bank and maybe 500,000 Palestinians are native to Gaza, i.e. their families originated there.
What is the controversy with Israel and Palestine?
Dream Thea
I've heard read many different things about the countries and have no idea what's
happening with those countries. I really don't know because I don't watch the news much and I doubt it would be on America news since TV in America is so monitered and biased. Also what is the United State's relationship with Israel?So can someone give me a complete UNBIASED and NEUTRAL explanation.
Thank You.
Palestinians (Jews & Christians & Muslims ) lived in harmony as Arabs until some of the European Jews tried to immigrate to Palestine at the end of the 18 Century. The Jews were minority in Palestine. The whole Arab country was at that time under the occupation of the Ottoman Empire(Turkey) for the last 400 years. The Jews were trying to find a place to establish Israel in.
Places were offered, and places discuseed:
The Jews tried to buy Palestine from the Ottoman Sultan Abdul Hamid II who did not accept and in 1901 he sent a historical letter to Dr. Herzl informing him that he can not sell any small piece of Palestine to the Jews ( not even a handâs size of land). One of the reasons that made Arabs rebel against the Ottoman Empire was the crimes against Arabs by the Ottoman ruler Jamal Basha as al-Saffah, "the Blood Shedder" . Arabs repelled against the Ottomans in what was called the Great Arab Revolution. Great Britain promised the Arabs to help them to re-establish their one Arab country again if they help them in fighting the Ottomans and the Arabs bravely did and the Ottomans were defeated. But, upon defeating the Ottomans the British and the French occupied the Arab land instead of the Ottomans and this was a big surprise for the Arabs and a start point of new era of Arabian struggle . Then, Great Britain and France divided the Arab country through the SykesâPicot Agreement in 1916.
In which they secretly divided the Arab country into small states such as Syria, Lebanon, ...etc .
Great Britain directly after that gave the Jews the Balfour Declaration in 1917.
In which Great Britain promised the Jews to establish Israel for them in Palestine.
The UN was founded in 1945 after World War II. Which was under the full control of the same countries that they divided the Arab big country into small states and /or supported the Jews against Arabs all the way no matter what. Arabs felt that what was happening was unjust and a big conspiracy against them.
How would you feel if some strangers just showed up and wanted to kick you out of your home by force ? claiming that their ancestors were in this spot 3000-4000 years ago. Would you say âOK â and just leave the home you and your ancestors have been living in for thousands of years? .
After WW2 and the Holocaust by the racist Hitler of Germany Jews immigrated in very large numbers to Palestine and used extreme force against the Palestinians who lived in Palestine for thousands of years. As a result Palestinians were expelled from their cities, farms and homes to the neighboring countries and elsewhere . Where millions of Palestinians are still living for over 60 years in the neighboring Arab states refugees camps in many cases in non humane conditions. So poor that they have nothing to eat or dress, no health, no education, no social security number, they are not allowed to buy a property or work, ........ etc. All that Palestinianâs suffering is because some strangers decided to invade Palestine.
Arab generations understand that Palestine was stolen from Arabs by:
1-Biased, unlawful and unjust UN conspiracy resolution/s.
2-By extreme force.
1-400 years of the Ottoman occupation to the Arab country( since 1512 ) where the ottoman empire was a military one ignored good education in times where many other powers where rising up though sciences and good education.
2- The European occupation of the Arab country and dividing it into small states. Where Great Britain and France divided the Arab country through the SykesâPicot Agreement in 1916.
3- Planting Israel in the middle of the Arabs so they will never be able to get reunified again; and as a disastrous result part of the Arabs money have been wasted on silly armaments and armies.
4- Placing many ignorant puppet rulers (Dictators) to head the newly established small Arab states and as a result the resources and wealth of the Arabs were wasted in many different ways.
In spite of all the suffering, mainly the middle class and the high class Arabs understood the importance of the good education and many of them are highly educated. Now, many of the Arab countries have a serious problem with the number of highly educated people where they have no enough jobs for them; and they import foreign people for services.
All the Above made the Arab world unstable place until now, 500 years of suffering and STILL going on...... Arabs are just good peaceful humans being backstabbed again and again; and stereotyped and portrayed wrongly.
Palestinians (Jews & Christians & Muslims ) lived in harmony as Arabs until some of the European Jews tried to immigrate to Palestine at the end of the 18 Century. The Jews were minority in Palestine. The whole Arab country was at that time under the occupation of the Ottoman Empire(Turkey) for the last 400 years. The Jews were trying to find a place to establish Israel in.
Places were offered, and places discuseed:
The Jews tried to buy Palestine from the Ottoman Sultan Abdul Hamid II who did not accept and in 1901 he sent a historical letter to Dr. Herzl informing him that he can not sell any small piece of Palestine to the Jews ( not even a handâs size of land). One of the reasons that made Arabs rebel against the Ottoman Empire was the crimes against Arabs by the Ottoman ruler Jamal Basha as al-Saffah, "the Blood Shedder" . Arabs repelled against the Ottomans in what was called the Great Arab Revolution. Great Britain promised the Arabs to help them to re-establish their one Arab country again if they help them in fighting the Ottomans and the Arabs bravely did and the Ottomans were defeated. But, upon defeating the Ottomans the British and the French occupied the Arab land instead of the Ottomans and this was a big surprise for the Arabs and a start point of new era of Arabian struggle . Then, Great Britain and France divided the Arab country through the SykesâPicot Agreement in 1916.
In which they secretly divided the Arab country into small states such as Syria, Lebanon, ...etc .
Great Britain directly after that gave the Jews the Balfour Declaration in 1917.
In which Great Britain promised the Jews to establish Israel for them in Palestine.
The UN was founded in 1945 after World War II. Which was under the full control of the same countries that they divided the Arab big country into small states and /or supported the Jews against Arabs all the way no matter what. Arabs felt that what was happening was unjust and a big conspiracy against them.
How would you feel if some strangers just showed up and wanted to kick you out of your home by force ? claiming that their ancestors were in this spot 3000-4000 years ago. Would you say âOK â and just leave the home you and your ancestors have been living in for thousands of years? .
After WW2 and the Holocaust by the racist Hitler of Germany Jews immigrated in very large numbers to Palestine and used extreme force against the Palestinians who lived in Palestine for thousands of years. As a result Palestinians were expelled from their cities, farms and homes to the neighboring countries and elsewhere . Where millions of Palestinians are still living for over 60 years in the neighboring Arab states refugees camps in many cases in non humane conditions. So poor that they have nothing to eat or dress, no health, no education, no social security number, they are not allowed to buy a property or work, ........ etc. All that Palestinianâs suffering is because some strangers decided to invade Palestine.
Arab generations understand that Palestine was stolen from Arabs by:
1-Biased, unlawful and unjust UN conspiracy resolution/s.
2-By extreme force.
1-400 years of the Ottoman occupation to the Arab country( since 1512 ) where the ottoman empire was a military one ignored good education in times where many other powers where rising up though sciences and good education.
2- The European occupation of the Arab country and dividing it into small states. Where Great Britain and France divided the Arab country through the SykesâPicot Agreement in 1916.
3- Planting Israel in the middle of the Arabs so they will never be able to get reunified again; and as a disastrous result part of the Arabs money have been wasted on silly armaments and armies.
4- Placing many ignorant puppet rulers (Dictators) to head the newly established small Arab states and as a result the resources and wealth of the Arabs were wasted in many different ways.
In spite of all the suffering, mainly the middle class and the high class Arabs understood the importance of the good education and many of them are highly educated. Now, many of the Arab countries have a serious problem with the number of highly educated people where they have no enough jobs for them; and they import foreign people for services.
All the Above made the Arab world unstable place until now, 500 years of suffering and STILL going on...... Arabs are just good peaceful humans being backstabbed again and again; and stereotyped and portrayed wrongly.
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