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cherry c
My son is turning 10 in March so we're giving him a Camp Party. What are some good game's we can play on the camp site? We have a lot of first time inner city kids coming, So I want to make a good impression. Please Help!
Play capture the flag with a really big playing area. I mean like a whole acre or something.
Play capture the flag with a really big playing area. I mean like a whole acre or something.
Curious to know the specific laws about pitching a tent in public if it's not at a designated camp site?
Sometimes when I take my kids to the park we pitch a little tent there so they have a place for shade & rest in between playing. I like to stay at the park with them for a few hours because I'm a playful mom & love playing outside. I bring plenty of snacks & water.
The main reason I bought it was because at most parks there is no toilet or the toilet is so far away, so I also bought my daughter a training toilet that we put in there. It's very handy. I keep it clean for them.
So Is it ok to pitch a tent in public in a place that's not designated as a camp site?
One kid at the park who was particularly outgoing invited himself into our tent and asked all about it. His mom got upset and of course I understood why she would be upset. I would not let my kids go anywhere near an unidentified tent. No WAY!
But I know myself & my circumstances and I'm a harmless, law-abiding citizen & a loving mother and I just wonder if I'm allowed to pitch a tent in any old park for the comfort of my kids with close supervision?
This is entirely up to local laws. Unless you are told to remove it, I would think that most parks would be fine with such a use. Don't lock paths, don't make a mess, don't leave it overnight, and it should be fine.
This is entirely up to local laws. Unless you are told to remove it, I would think that most parks would be fine with such a use. Don't lock paths, don't make a mess, don't leave it overnight, and it should be fine.
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